Learning Assistance
This program is available to all children in grades K to 5. These children are usually average ability students experiencing difficulties with a particular phase of their school work and are screened through a school based team.
English Language Learning
The Ten-Broeck School E.L.L. program is designed to assist new Canadians to learn the English Language. The children are placed in regular classrooms and spend a certain amount of their day specifically learning the language.
Physical Education
The PE program emphasizes a variety of areas - games, gymnastics, dance and fitness rhythmics. Good sportsmanship is encouraged throughout all activities and all students are expected to participate. Emphasis is placed on playing rather than winning.
Ten-Broeck School has a good selection of books.. All materials are circulated and may be borrowed by teachers and students. The children borrow books on a weekly basis and books are due the following week.
Aboriginal Education
Indigenous students attending Ten Broeck Elementary experience high levels of success. This can be attributed to many reasons, including close home/school relationship, academic support and cultural enrichment activities. Read more
Extra Curricular Programs
Ten-Broeck has many extra-curricular programs throughout the year